Monday, January 25, 2010

No Title, Just Read

Right now, I have no idea what to write discussing my day. It's sort of like having some sort of amnesia for the past 8 hours. Frightening.
But I do remember eating 3.2 cookies. Yum.
It is near my birthday (on the twenty-ninth) so (it's the twenty-fifth when I wrote this) I bought Outbreak (that's four more days) on Blu-Ray (until my birthday) for ten dollars.
After you're done with the monkey...
I hate virus spreaders. Unless they're cats, which makes it fine.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fire Drill Matters

On Thursay, we had a fire drill. Now we are in Mukilteo, up in the Northwest, so naturally: it's pretty damn cold. On Friday, someone pulled the fire alarm ( I can point fingers), and what did we do? Go over the feild and stand there like the school was on fire in the twenty degree weather. After the drill, we walked back, and me, not paying attention, walked right into a tree branch that hit me in the face.
Then the weekend.
On Monday: guess what? Someone pulled the fire alarm again! Awesome. So, again, we had to stand in the field like an emergency until we could walk back in. Remember, it's 20 degrees.
And when I was walking back, I hit the same branch with my face again. Wonderful.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Choco Dunkers!

I'm not a fan of Pizza Hut, and I have nothing against them.
So today, I just ordered Chocolate Dunkers, which might be the most unhealthy thing I ever ate in my 14 years of life.
Yeah. I have ate things that are really unhealthy, but this tops the list.
It is basically bread with chocolate and marshmallows (I think) layered on top and with Hershey's dipping sauce.
How many calories?
Let me count: 100,200,300,400,500...
Heart attack anyone?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Calvin and Hobbes

I got the complete Calvin and Hobbes set at Costco for $90.
Were were so close to buying it on the internet, and we waited. We just don't like buying on the internet. Then we saw Costco had it, and bought it. It weighted about 20 pounds (no, seriously. I looked it up on Amazon).
Worth every penny.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Paranormal Activity

I once went to see Zombieland with my friend, Ryan. Totally fun.
Two weeks ago, my parents told me I could see Paranormal Activity. So I walked up to the theater with my mom and asked for a ticket.
But no, I was fourteen and it was rated R.
The following week, I tried to go again with my mom. She didn't want to see it, and my dad's idea of 'work', was thirty minutes rewiring my uncle's house.

I plan to see 2012.

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Blog

This is my *first* blog.
Yay, Happy, happy.